2024 AGM: President’s personal message to all Member Clubs


I (Garry Jackson, President NZ FoMC) am writing this note to all FoMC clubs to emphasise the importance of our AGM (Sunday May 26), and to issue a personal request to you all with regard to our joint responsibilities and actions to achieve the future growth and strengthening of the Federation.

Why is the 2024 AGM of FoMC so important?

This 2024 AGM comes at a critical time for us all, in relation to the actions we’ve already taken that give us a platform for future growth, and because this 2024 AGM represents a specific “take-off” platform for the plans we need to finalise and deliver to support our collective future, and to protect and enhance the interests of our Clubs and every one of our 140,000+ individual members.

What have are these “build up” actions?

These actions fall into two separate categories:

At an offsite strategic workshop at the Brentwood Hotel in Wellington last November, the FOMC Exec group spent two valuable and productive days brainstorming FoMC’s opportunities and possible future plans, including:

growing our future revenue from our membership;

expanding our membership base by attracting new clubs to join;

consideration of a possible new membership group (“associate members”) beyond the traditional motoring clubs to join and contribute to FoMC’s aims, objectives and operational plans;

develop and implement reward programs with “sponsor companies” that provide meaningful incentives and benefits to individual members of FoMC clubs (ie some form of special reward program across a range of customer facing businesses), whilst concurrently providing additional income streams directly to FoMC’s central office services, complementing Club subscriptions and supporting our future activities and growth.

The ground-breaking and attention-grabbing NZ Historic and Classic Vehicle Research Survey, and its headline outcomes regarding the sector’s $16.5 Billion economic footprint, and the strong level of NZ public at large support for who we are, what we do, and the associated heritage values that we represent. Further, the survey has strengthened our hand in our discussions with Government, an opportunity that we need to capitalise on without delay.

How does all this connect with the upcoming 2024 FoMC AGM?

  • Obviously all of the foregoing future planning and delivery of what we need to do falls on the Executive, and especially the Executive elected at the forthcoming AGM for the year ahead.
  • The last time that there was an actual election for the Exec (as opposed to simple appointment where the number of nominations equalled the number of positions to be filled) was at least 10 or more years ago.
  • In the light of the foregoing points above, the incoming Executive will need a strong sense of energy and purpose (no criticism at all with regard to our present and past Executive.  It’s just that the opportunities and game plan is ramping up).
  • In the AGM itself, we will discuss some of the draft future plans and ideas in more detail, extending on the high level “build up” actions above, and acting as a springboard for the Federation for the next 1 – 3 years.
  • As a result of all of the foregoing, now is the time and a special opportunity for all FoMC Clubs to consider nominations for the Executive, partly to restore the principle of “democracy in action”, and to ensure that we have a great motivated team to take us forward, collectively.  Nominiations for executive roles can be entered here: https://fomc.nz/executive-nomination/

What specifically does a FoMC Executive role require?

There’s no specifically defined job description as such, but in my personal view here are the key attributes that I think we need going forward (random sequence, not in order of importance):

  • Experience and energy as a team player
  • Some level of operational/administrative/managerial experience
  • Ability to think strategically
  • Willingness to roll one’s sleeves up and help make things happen and get stuff done
  • Strong interest in all aspects of the historic and classic vehicle sectors, as well as your own area of personal passion
  • Ability to handle a time commitment of approx. 10 Exec meetings per year (2-3 hours on Microsoft Teams), plus a few hours of intervening paperwork/planning/ emails etc
  • Whilst the foregoing points are all primarily focussed on the Executive Committee roles, in the interests of democracy all positions are up for nomination and for contested election should that be the case. So if you believe you should be considered for President, Vice President, Secretary, Treasurer or a committee member, don’t hold back!

Additional Roles

We also have “Advisor” roles (appointed by the executive), who are specialists in their field, whom we call on as required for advice and guidance.  If you feel you have any special skills to offer, feel free to make contact with Chris Butler (Secretary) secretary@fomc.nz or myself at garry.jackson@fomc.nz

With the “RampUp”, we will need assistance with the following two roles (can be shared by multiple people):

  • “Wheel Torque” magazine editor
  • Submissions secretary

So if you’re interested in any of these roles, please contact us.  Full training will be provided.

Next Steps

The foregoing is very much a “scene setter” from my perspective as President. Please look out for further administrative details re the nomination and election processes.

Looking forward to a great AGM on May 26, and a strong, progressive and successful year ahead for us all.

You can register for the AGM here: https://fomc.nz/events/agm-2024/

Very best wishes,
Garry Jackson, President
NZ Federation of Motoring Clubs Inc.
E: garry.jackson@fomc.nz
M: 027 485 5335

Chris Butler

FoMC Secretary and Manager Information Technology

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